
  • Beholders: Bad Dreams Come True To those who would seek to conquer beholders or merely understand them, nearly everything about their quarry is unfathomable. These bizarre creatures are possessed of alien intelligence, inhuman forms of perception, and the ability to shape reality through force of will—or even by their mere presence.
  • Beholders: Bad Dreams Come True To those who would seek to conquer beholders or merely understand them, nearly everything about their quarry is unfathomable. These bizarre creatures are possessed of alien intelligence, inhuman forms of perception, and the ability to shape reality through force of will—or even by their mere presence.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it’s unclear how anyone can look at this property, located at 24 Brentwood Drive, as anything “fascinating.” –New York Post; Summary. Beauty is (lies) in the eye of the beholder is a frequently used expression first phrased by an Irish author and commonly used in English speaking cultures. Art should exhilarate, and throw down the walls of circumstance on every side, awakening in the beholder the same sense of universal relation and power which the work evinced in the artist, and its highest effect is to make new artists. Beholder You’re a state-installed landlord in a totalitarian country. Place listening devices, steal and sneak into your tenants’ apartments. Use what you uncovered.

Albert Meineke
Location:lives alone

Beholder Game

When available for settlement[edit | edit source]

Settles in 10 hours Antoine departs or after Danton's phone-call regarding Antoine.

Interests[edit | edit source]

Albert Meineke can speak! See him talking on the phone.

Beholder dnd

Smokes a pipe. See him smoking or find tobacco in his apartment

Likes to cook. See him cooking

Plays chess. Find chess in his apartment

Likes to fish. Find fishing rod in his apartment

Corresponds with foreigners. Find foreign letter in his apartment

Wine steward. Find wine in his apartment

Foreign spy. Talk to Albert


Personal items[edit | edit source]

Special items[edit | edit source]

Tasks provide with[edit | edit source]

Tasks involved in[edit | edit source]

Additional information[edit | edit source]


Beholder Definition

He is a spy from the enemy country.

Beholder 5e

He can help Carl & his family escape by -$10,000 if they help in the quest Homeland will never forgive and a further -$10,000 if the fake passports are taken from his apartment.

Beholder Zombie

He has the most characteristics.

Beholder 5e Roll20

He shares the surname of Frau Meineke, a character in the 2006 film The Lives of Others, who observers agents of the East German secret police install surveillance equipment in the apartment of her neighbour.

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